Essai complet sur la natation en anglais
Essai complet sur la natation en anglais
Essai complet sur la natation en anglais
موضوع تعبير عن السباحة بالانجليزي كامل - Essai complet sur la natation en anglais
Besides, people all ages can swim. As swimming is a non-weight bearing exercise it is easy on the joints and even
people with arthritis can swim without worrying that the exercise might ruin their bones further. Swimming burns calories a mile per pound of body weight so it’s a good exercise for weight loss as well.
There are many psychological benefits to swimming. If you relax and swim with very little effort and let your mind wander focusing on nothing but the rhythm of your stroke before long a feeling of well-being settles similar to the feeling one gets from meditation. For me swimming is a mixture of exercise and fun. Spending time floating on my back listening to the water lap my feet is so soothing and relaxing that it makes me wish I didn’t ever have to step out of the water.Home ››
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Essai complet sur la natation en anglais
Essai complet sur la natation en anglais
Essai complet sur la natation en anglais
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